August 16, 2010


Tom Cruise & Cameron Diaz.
Ethan Hunt & Princess Fiona.
Trekking the globe in order to thwart the bad guys. A spy romantic comedy, Knight & Day is light hearted entertainment, but it sadly falls into too many cliché traps.

The Serious: 6/11
I know, it's a pretty low rating, but hear me out. There is little originality in the plot line. Granted, that's hard to do (audiences do expect a certain pattern) but Knight & Day follows the stereotype all too rigidly. No surprises or twists really leap up and grab your attention, which is disappointing given the talents of the cast.
Never fear, it's not all doom and gloom. Tom Cruise has a refreshing and genuinely funny role as international CIA agent Roy Miller. The laughs in the movie are provided almost solely by him, but he still slams in some decent action sequences. The main giggle, however, comes from this apparent parody of his brilliant Mission: Impossible character, Ethan Hunt. Cruise just does not hold back, giving off a sense that he's genuinely enjoying himself. And who wouldn't in his position.
Diaz does well as lady-meets-spy-becomes-tough-and-skilled June Havens. While a staple character arc for a spy movie, the actress gets a few shining moments, including a brilliant motorbike stunt with Mr Cruise.
The other talent nod goes to Peter Sarsgaard, who gives us a good and gritty villain to hate in Fitzgerald.
So while the main performances do a great job, they're let down and unsupported by the story. See it if you're set on it, but for the unsure of you out there, i suggest waiting for the DVD.

The Fun: 8/11
For those of you who don't care so much about story, Knight & Day is a good laugh. Cruise is funny, Diaz is hot whilst convincing and Sarsgaard does a fun job as a dodgy agent.
The action comes thick and fast, with some impressive visuals and a lot of gunfire that asserts Cruise's status as Mr Spy. Despite knowing what'll be around every corner (If you've watched a spy movie before) if that doesn't bother you, you'll still enjoy the ride along. A couple of smooth spy moves and quips make Cruise the one to watch, convincing and full of smart, witty humour. It's certainly a welcome enjoyment to see this side of the actor again, so if you're a big Cruise fan, head for the silver screen and you'll enjoy what he provides.
Otherwise, it really depends on you're motivation for going. If it's for enjoyment, Knight & Day will not feel like a waste of money; you'll leave the cinema with a smile on you're face and some new quotes to annoy you're friends with.

Leave a comment below, and email me review requests to

Until next time, 
Zooming Out.

To Infinity and Beyond


Anonymous said...

Another good review dude. I have seen this movie so I completely agree with the scoring :). You should have had a sexy section rating Diaz in her bikini :P
Not too sure what to click on comment as so i put anonymous.
Tobias :)

Jonny Boy Foy said...

So really the film is more funny rather than serious though cliched. Judging from the praise it seems Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz's reunion 9 years after Vanilla Sky is a pleasent and light hearted reunion. Also since Mission Impossible 4 will be out in December next year it seems he's getting back into the head of Ethan Hunt

The Camera said...

Yes indeed Jonny.
Keeping to what he's best at it seems.

Anonymous said...
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